Stoned shamans/King shaman 3dfx Voodoo based accelerators
Отправлено 25 Апрель 2021 - 20:43
P.S. Offtopic i am streaming using voodoo2 card https://www.twitch.t...itemagicraventv
Отправлено 25 Апрель 2021 - 20:48
WhiteMagicRaven (25 Апрель 2021 - 20:43) писал:
P.S. Offtopic i am streaming using voodoo2 card https://www.twitch.t...itemagicraventv
OK thank you very much!

White (25 Апрель 2021 - 20:19) писал:
White, does it work for you?
Have you tested it on voodoo2?
It still doesn't work for me ...

Отправлено 08 Май 2021 - 12:40
For the King Shaman, I assembled a New Driver Kit, consisting of various updated files taken from multiple Driver releases, for Quantum3D 100DB and Voodoo 1 cards.
I've been working on it for a while. I state that, I have not modified any file created by Q3D or 3dfx, I have only created/adapted the ".INF" file that best suits my needs.
I must say that, having no notion about it, I found myself really in trouble, because I did not know the function of the installation commands, the lines for writing the windows registry, etc etc.
Then, slowly, I started to understand the basic functions and I managed to get a good result.
The hardest part was getting the original Q3D driver to work, which is based on a modified Glide2x API for Obsidian 100DB, and the new updated files, including the new glide2x/3x api, taken from other releases that don't allow you to use the options specials, such as SLI for Direct3D, which positively distinguish the Q3D drivers from all the others.
In short, I had to bring together and transport "the Wolf, the Goat and the Cabbage" in the same boat. I could not even change the name of the files to make them coexist because the system and the video card drivers could not recognize them and use them for their own purpose. Ditto for games and various Benchmarks.
But I "have a hard head" and I managed to find a solution.

Given the work that went into all of this, the hours / tests I ran, the installation/uninstallation of drivers/hardware and windows 98 and 98se (imagine the stress

Ciacarhaman-1.0 Driver Kit

The New Ciacarhaman-1.0 Driver Kit is dedicated to the Shaman Voodoo1 Family.
The Driver Kit is enclosed in a self-extracting file.
Inside you will find the INSTALLATION-ReadMeFirst.txt file which contains all the information and versions of the drivers installed, with the legitimate owners, and the procedure to follow for a correct and clean installation, which involves three steps.

The required instructions will be added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, as per the Installation procedure. Two commands without value have been entered:
The values will be added, as requested by developer Anthony in the King Shaman Manual, only in certain cases of need. For this reason, I recommend that you read the video card manual carefully.
Since Ciacarhaman-1.0 is a set of different drivers, always within the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the following commands will also be added, to take advantage of all the potential, in addition to the Q3D ones:
- SET SST_GAMMA = 1.70
The basic installation is performed with V-Sync disabled, with the GAMMA value set at 1.7, the base resolution of 640x480 pixels at 60Hz and with the SLI-D3D option activated, directly from the Q3D Control Panel. It may happen that, with Games, these values, even if set from the Q3d Control Panel, have no effect. For this reason, they must also be added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Furthermore, the old 3dfxvgl.dll OGL file has been restored, derived from the 3dfx OpenGL® ICD file, which will allow you to select in some games, such as Quake III, the Voodoo mode, dedicated to video cards based on 3dfx technology, without having to add the OpenGL32.dll file directly to the game folder. The OpenGL32.dll file in this Driver Kit is also derived from the 3dfx OpenGL® ICD
After installing the drivers, if everything has been done correctly, the result you will get is the following:

ObsidianQ3D 100DB support
Theoretically, being also a derivative of the original Q3D Driver, it should be compatible with the ObsidianQ3D 100DB.
If someone has this Q3D video card and will test it and confirm the driver is working correctly, I will modify the package by adding "officially" support for ObsidianQ3D 100DB.
King Shaman Overclock
Before overclocking the video card, it is "Necessary" to install heat sinks on the Fbi and Tmu, adjust the Airflow of the Case and have an adequate dissipation of the video card, with one or two cooling fans always directed on the card video. Furthermore, I would like to clarify that:
"I do NOT take any responsibility in case of hardware damage"
Overclocking is not mandatory and you perform it at your own risk, therefore, take the right precautions.
With Ciacarhaman-1.0, being a fusion of various drivers, it is possible to overclock the King Shaman, an option not included in the original ObsidianQ3D 100DB drivers.
For this reason, instructions have been prepared, always to be added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, which allow an Overclock from 52Mhz to 60Mhz, with a step of 2Mhz.

Inside the file INSTALLATION-ReadMeFirst.txt you will find all the instructions necessary to apply the Overclock command to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Soon I will publish the official Overclock Driver Tests, I have to finish the last Diagrams, you will find the publication in the King Schaman Personal Review at the following address:
King Shaman 20MB & MGV2020 4MB 2D Video Module Review
I published here, on Modlabs before other parts, to honor mainly the developer zx-c64 (Anthony), whom I thank for the passion and commitment he put into the conception, construction and assembly of this creature, which I would call a Power Monster, with the name of King Shaman and the Modlabs Community hosting me in the Forum.
Thank you very much!
Well, having said that, I await all your feedback.
See you.
Francesco D.V. (ciacara)

Last Release |Ver|__Date___|Mod|
Update Section
Link-->Ciacarhaman-1.16.0521.01 exe
Link-->Ciacarhaman-1.16.0521.01 rar
Link-->Ciacarhaman-1.16.0521.01 zip
- Fixed copy issue for the new 3dfx OpenGL® ICD Driver file
- Microsoft® C Runtime Library Driver updated to version 7.10.7031.4
- Windows ME compatibility added
Link-->Ciacarhaman-1.0 exe
Link-->Ciacarhaman-1.0 rar
Link-->Ciacarhaman-1.0 zip
- First version of the Driver.
Bug Section
Here I will insert the Bugs detected by me, by those who will install the drives and will want to report any problems to me.
1) In Direct3D, with Pentium III cpu, of any frequency and with any bus, Artifacts are presented.
With Pentium II CPUs, of any frequency and with any bus, this problem does not arise.
2) With Pentium III cpu, of any frequency and with any bus, if I turn on the PC, for example, start Quake 3 and play or do a timedemo no problem, I can use it for hours.
But if I quit Quake 3 and restart it in the same session, it crashes. While if I quit, I change the quake configuration file with the different resolution, it never crashes in the same session, the important thing is to change the configuration file.
With Pentium II CPUs, of any frequency and with any bus, this problem does not arise.
Отправлено 08 Май 2021 - 21:59
ciacara (Сегодня, 13:40) писал:
I tried to add the image file directly to the Thread but it doesn't give me the possibility to exceed 4.88MB and to load an .EXE file.
Please, if possible, can you remove these limitations?
Thank you very much.
We will try. And you re welcome to our gallery. In is not so comfortable, like many others, but your pictures will be available till Modlabs is available. The main problem is that you should sign your photos and set few tags for search engines.
ciacara, thank you for your work and for such good results. I appreciate you for posting such interesting news here. We can upload your files in our file library.
Did you tested Pentium III with Coppermine / Tualatin core or you also tried Katmai?
Here is your drivers in our file archive
Отправлено 08 Май 2021 - 22:05
White (08 Май 2021 - 21:36) писал:
ciacara, thank you for your work and for such good results. I appreciate you for posting such interesting news here. We can upload your files in our file library.
Did you tested Pentium III with Coppermine / Tualatin core or you also tried Katmai?
Hi White,
I poved with Pentium III Katmai, Coppermine.
I don't have Coppermine-T Tualatin cpu.
I have to test a Celleron Coppermine 900mhz.
I also have a Xeon 500/100/1000 with the motherboard, always on i440 to try.
All the other slot1 pIII cpus that I have tested (500/550/600) always give artifacts.
Initially I thought the cpus were faulty or I had wreaked havoc with installations and uninstalls.
Then I found that another user also had the same problems as mine, and from them I deduced that the problem is related to the jump between pII and pIII.
What does the substantial difference between Pentium II and Pentium III consist of and what new instructions on the Pentium III might be causing this problem?
Thank you for hosting the driver file in your database, and for the instructions on how to save the images in the portal.

Отправлено 08 Май 2021 - 22:15
Отправлено 08 Май 2021 - 22:26
White (08 Май 2021 - 22:15) писал:
SSE instructions. Did you tried to set Pentium III to 66 MHz FSB?
Perfect White, thanks again.
The test I ran in the review with the cpu at 366, is a pIII550 @ 66mhz.
I have so many things on my mind that I don't remember if she gave Artifacts.
I reassemble the platform, do this test again and let you know

Отправлено 09 Май 2021 - 02:21
zx-c64 (09 Май 2021 - 01:55) писал:
I would like to understand which library conflicts with the SSE instructions introduced by Katmai onwards.
I'm done testing everything again right now.
The Pentium 3 550 @66mhz still has artifacts.
Same thing with the 900mhz celleron
The cpu that does not give problems is the Pentium 2 SL2U6 Deschutes 400mhz @100, no artifacts @66mhz @100mhz and @112mhz.
I still have to test the Xeon, hoping it still works.
Отправлено 09 Май 2021 - 18:54
unfortunately it's free from d3d sli support too.
looks like a very serious binary hacking req'd to make an ideal v1 sli driver.
протестируйте разгон кто-нибудь в глайде с этой новой сборкой. q3d драйвер вообще не поддерживает оверклок, а тут он есть, но у меня не получается почему то, виснет сразу
Отправлено 09 Май 2021 - 19:30
White (09 Май 2021 - 11:14) писал:
Hi White,
can you pass me the program please?
zx-c64 (09 Май 2021 - 18:54) писал:
unfortunately it's free from d3d sli support too.
looks like a very serious binary hacking req'd to make an ideal v1 sli driver.
протестируйте разгон кто-нибудь в глайде с этой новой сборкой. q3d драйвер вообще не поддерживает оверклок, а тут он есть, но у меня не получается почему то, виснет сразу
Hi Anthony, version 30100 and 30101(IceMan!) Have no artifact issues but they don't have sli-d3d.
I tested the driver on the Xeon 550/100/1000 and i440 platform, I have two good news and one bad news:
1) The drive works perfectly, even better, under windows ME.
2) With Windows Me the problem of freezing at the second start of the application has disappeared.
3) The bad is that the problem with artifacts remains, with pIII xeon and with win98se and ME.
I know the solution is in front of my eyes, but I can't get it, it always happens like this.
I try with AMD

Отправлено 09 Май 2021 - 22:10
Do you use any AGP cards in your system? Or King Shaman is the only installed graphics card?
У меня только Stoned Shaman есть. Могу на нём, но после 11-го.
Отправлено 09 Май 2021 - 22:33